Abstract:Relational contract theory advocates that meaning is not the only element that constitutes a contract. Instead, command, identity, social role, kinship, habits, etc., may also become part of the contract. Contrac? tual behaviors exist in everywhere from discrete contract to relational contract. These behaviors have repeated themselves over time and gradually evolved into norms. The internal norms of contract are divided into common norms, discrete norms and relational norms. Common norms exist in all contract behaviors, while discrete norms correspond to discrete contracts, and relational norms correspond to relational contracts. Modern contract law has gone beyond the scope of traditional contract law in many aspects and developed towards the relational contract law. To examine Chinese contract law and theory from the perspective of relationship can deepen the understanding of the concept of contract, improve the understanding of contract loopholes, arouse the concern of continuing contracts and provide their applicable basis, and bring substantive methodology for judicial judgment.