The application of artificial intelligence in the workplace has brought a crisis to the protection of em? ployees’personal information. Employees’privacy is being stolen by ubiquitous collection of information. Ex? cessive surveillance brings the risk of privacy infringement, the unjustified use of information exposes employees to unfair treatment, and the limitations of artificial intelligence itself may lead to algorithmic discrimination. There is check and balance between employers’management right and employees’personal information right, but employers’collection and utilization of employee’s personal information should remain within the reason? able limit. Therefore, the protection of employees’personal information can be carried out before, during and after the process. The principle of informed consent can be implemented, privacy protection design rules can be implanted into the algorithm, information confidentiality can be strengthened and employees can be given the right to delete, and supervision of industry self-discipline organizations and government agencies can be promot? ed at the same time.