Abstract:The party’s leadership system has its natural advantages, which are reflected in three aspects: the par? ty's leadership is naturally needed, the party’s leadership advantage is naturally formed, and the party’s leader? ship advantage is naturally inherited. The first aspect is reflected in the early labor movement during which the spontaneous labor movement turned into a conscious movement and then reached to the climax of the move? ment. The party’s leadership advantage was naturally formed in three aspects: not forgetting the original aspira? tion in the early labor movement, keeping in mind that the mission system was naturally made, the party’s gov? erning ability and leadership system were naturally formed, governance for people, and governance by people were naturally built. The party’s leadership advantage is also naturally inherited in three aspects: the party’s leadership system has been continuously enriched after the early labor movement, the party’s leadership has run through the construction of the system, and the party’s leadership system has never forgotten its original aspira? tion.