The root causes of the opposite between the Handlungsunwert and Erfolgsunwert should not be attributed to the opposite of“rule utilitarianism”and “behavioral utilitarianism”in moral philosophy,It seems more clear from the perspective of Rechtsphilosophie. The conflict between the Handlungsunwert and Erfolgsunwert is the choice of individualism and nationalism under the guidance of natural law. Individuals and nationalism isn't contradictorv.In the face of risk society, there is room of coexistence. Under the guidance of natural law, we should realize the coexistence of the Handlungsunwert and Erfolgsunwert through the understanding of the concept of“legal interest”. In the end, we try to establish the view that is taking the Handlungsunwert as the root and regard the Erfolgsunwert as an exception.