On the Theoretical Values and Limitations of Dependence Theory: An Analysis of China’s Experience of “Accelerating Development” and “Maintaining Independence”
1.School of Marxism,Jimei University;2.Schoolof Marxism,Longyan University
In exploring the relationship between developing countries’“achieving development”and “main taining independence”, dependence theory reveals the dependence of developing countries on developed countries, thereby offering a new thinking for the development of developing countries. However, this theory has its limitations when it comes to the ways of developmentit only offers simple options: either to continue the dependence on or cut the connection with developed countries. Nevertheless, China keeps its path in its own process of modernization. It maintains its independence and meanwhile upholds the reform and opening-up policy. This experience gives developing countries some references. Specifically, the experience includes: independent classes, adhering to the policy of relying mainly on self-reliance and seeking foreign aid as a supplement so as to avoid the economic plight caused by the dependence on foreign investment; maintaining economic independence and regarding it as the strong guarantee for political independence, so as to seek for a development mode that suits the national reality.