Abstract:Investors, stakeholders and public in China are becoming increasingly concerned about the quality of corporate environmental disclosure. In this paper, 130 list ed companies whose average assets are the top 40% from Shanghai and Shenzhen A share in the period of 20132015 are chosen as our research samples. Moreover, the effect that ownership structure and financial characteristics has on the env ironmental disclosure selection is empirically tested with the method of content analysis based on companies’ social responsibility reports and initiative sust ainability reports. As a result, company size, profitability, ownership structur e, and share ratio in circulation directly affect the level of environmental dis closure in a positive way. However, the financial debt scale and operation effic iency have influence on the transparency of the environmental information, but n ot on the quality of corporate environmental disclosure. Additionally, results s uggest that the variety among company’s ultimate controller results in a signif icant difference in ownership structure and the quality of the environment discl osure. In stateowned firms, with a higher degree of ownership concentration, t he quality of environmental disclosure is higher; while in non stateowned hold ing enterprises, higher degree of ownership concentration leads to worse quality of environmental disclosure.