Abstract:The elaboration of Marx on the three historic morphologies of human beings’development reveals that men are intrinsically integrated with the concrete and universal life essence through the self-conscious and voluntary practical activities. The philosophical implication lies in that it is built on the base of moral legitimacy of human liberation and development. With the concrete and universal genus as the political noumenon, and owing to a kind of intrinsically integrated relationship logic, the moral concern of the individual, the other and the society are included in the scope, and the realization of freedom will be put into the universality of genus. With genus life essence as its foundation,“the real community”will not only provide the construction of contemporary supra-national with an ideal form, but also provide with a feasible construction of logic. The advancement and transcendence of the construction of community with shared future for mankind is embodied in the moral commitment, ethical concern and the logic of construction on the road to build the“the real community”