Abstract:The effective contribution of academic staff to teaching activities is essential to guarantee the teaching quality in universities. However, due to some limitations such as the criterion of staff assessment, the teachers in research oriented universities tend to spend more time on research activities compared to that on teaching activities. In this paper, by literature research and interviews, a questionnaire is designed with the relevant elements of the incentive scheme to teaching activities for teachers in a research university, and is used to test the staff’s conformity to the internal factors. The elements in the incentive scheme are extracted and the multivariate statistical method is adopted to calculate the factor scores as samples. The fuzzy support vector machine is used to evaluate the different incentive methods, which can improve the efficiency of the teaching incentive scheme. The current research can help to encourage the academic staff to balance their teaching and research activities, which will eventually improve the student experience and satisfaction. With more efforts made to the teaching activities, the academic staff can make full use of the comprehensive advantages of teaching and experimental facilities in research universities, which can improve the teaching quality in turn and boost the collaborative development of teaching and research competences of research universities.